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موضوع: لغات کلیدی مذاکرات و مکالمات بازرگانی و تجاری به ز

لغات کلیدی مذاکرات و مکالمات بازرگانی و تجاری به ز 9 سال 1 ماه ago #114574

لغات کلیدی مذاکرات و مکالمات بازرگانی و تجاری به زبان انگلیسی

Negotiate in English

1. alternatives – any other choices a person or group has, rather then agreeing with the other person or group (پيشنهادات)
Example: "We can ask them to do A if we do B, but they have many alternatives."
2. arbitration – when a neutral person or group comes in to settle a disagreement (داوري)
Example: "If we can’t agree by midnight tomorrow, this case will go to arbitration."
3. commitment – an obligation to do something or deliver something (تعهد-الزام)
Example: "We’ve made a commitment on this point. If we don’t do it, the agreement will fall apart."
4. compromise – an agreement where you get less than you want but also give less than the other person wants (سازش)
Example: "If we don’t compromise, this deal will never get done."
5. concession – accepting less on one specific point in order to get something from the other person on a different point (واگذاري)
Example: "Okay, you’ve made a concession on price, so we can make a concession on the delivery date."
6. confidentiality – an agreement that prevents either side from talking about the agreement in public (رازداري)
Example: "I’m sorry but our confidentiality agreement prevents me from answering your questions in detail."
7. equivalent – a proprosed agreement that is different from, but equal in value to, a previous proposal (مساوي)
Example: "We can’t agree to that proposal, but here we would like to suggest an equivalent package for you to consider."
8. facilitation – a process where people, called facilitators, try to make it easier for two people to reach an agreement (تسهيل)
Example: "You may not reach a better agreement with facilitation, but you will reach an agreement faster."

9. final agreement – the results of the negotiation that everyone agrees to put into action (توافق نهايي)
Example: "After six long months, we now have a final agreement."
10. good faith – being honest about your intentions (حسن نيت)
Example: "If we negotiate in good faith, we are sure to reach an agreement eventually."
11. impasse – when two sides hold different positions that they are unwilling to change (بن بست، تنگنا)
Example: "We were close to an agreement but we suddenly hit an impasse over payment terms."
12. intermediary – a person who communicates between the two sides of a negotiation
(وساطت كننده، واسطه)
Example: "They’ve been negotiating through an intermediary after that big argument last week."
13. issue – a topic that needs to be discussed in a negotiation (موضوع، صادر كردن)
Example: "Money is the biggest issue in this negotiation, but resources and responsibilities are important issues too."
14. mediation – when a neutral person or group comes in to identify the issues, explore options and clarify goals (دلالي، واسطه گري)
Example: "If we use mediation, it may help to move the negotiations forward."
15. offer – one or more options that is sent by one negotiator to the other(پيشنهاد، پيشنهاد كردن)
Example: "Let’s offer them a one-year service contract and see how they respond."
16. package – a combination of options that has been offered as a solution (بسته)
Example: "John put this package together last night. Let’s look at each option and see if we really want to offer this."
17. party – either side in a negotiation is called a party, whether one individual or a whole group (شخص يا اشخاص مقابل در يك مذاكره)
Example: "If party A accepts party B’s proposal, then the negotiation is finished."
18. proposal – any suggestion or idea given to one party from the other (پيشنهاد)
Example: "We’ll look at your proposal during the coming week and give you our response the following Monday."

19. tentative solution- an agreement that depends on some conditions, so that it might not be a final agreement (راه حل مقدماتي)
Example: "At last we’ve reached a tentative agreement. Perhaps these long negotiations will be over soon."
20. trade-off: an exchange process in which one side gives up partly on some issues in order to gain on other issues (رابطه و مورد جايگزيني)
Example: "There are always trade-offs when negotiating. You can’t win them all!"

20 عبارت کلیدی برای مکالمه تجاری انگلیسی
Business English Expressions
1. 800 pound gorilla – the biggest, most powerful group or company (شركت بزرگ و مقتدر)
Example: "If we follow our plan to make this new software, we’re going to have a lot of competition, including from the 800 pound gorilla, Microsoft."
2. (a rising tide that) lifts all boats – something that helps all people or all groups (راه حل)
Example: "We’re only number three, but the current economic growth will lift all boats, so we’re sure to make a profit this year."
3. an old hand – a person who has long experience, especially in one place(شخص با تجربه)
Example: "He can help us set up a company in Beijing. He’s been working in China for many years and speaks Chinese fluently. He’s an old Chinahand."
4. at the 11th hour – very late, at the very last minute(كار دقيقه 90)
Example: " ."
5. on a shoestring – with limited money (با بودجه محدود)
Example: "They started their company on a shoestring and built it up to one of the largest companies in the world!"
6. bring to the table – whatever you can possibly offer (پيشنهاد ممكن)
Example: "I will meet with Teacher Joe’s new company to show him what we can bring to the table."
7. carve out a niche – find a special market that you can control (پيدا كردن بازار مناسب)
Example: "To succeed in this competitive world, you have to focus on part of it. Try to carve out a niche and be number one in that are."
8. deep pockets – have a lot of money (داشتن تمكن مالي زياد)
Example: "If there is a price war, we won’t win because we don’t have deep enough pockets."

9. down time – when equipment of facilities are not available, so you cannot work (نداشتن تجهيزات و تسهيلات كافي)
Example: "There will probably be a lot of down time at the conference, so I’m bringing a lot of paperwork."
10. (draw) a line in the sand – make final conditions that cannot be changed (نهايي كردن موارد قرارداد)
Example: "We have to draw a line in the sand so they will see that this is really our final offer."
11. free ride – get benefit at no cost (سود بردن بدون هزينه كردن)
Example: "Of course we should make them pay for our travel expenses. WHy should we give them a free ride?"
12. from day one – from the beginning (از ابتدا، از اول)
Example: "Teacher Joe has been providing the best English-learning web site from day one!"
13. get your foot in the door – have a small opportunity that can become a big opportunity in the future, if you do good work (دادن فرصت كوچك شغلي)
Example: "Right now, I just want to get my foot in the door, so they can see what I can do. Next year I hope to start moving up in the company."
14. I need it yesterday – an informal way to say it is needed immediately (نيازمندي فوري)
Example: "Can I send that report to you later this afternoon?"
"No! I need that report yesterday!"
15. a two-way street – both people or both groups can contribute or benefit from the situation
(معامله بينابين)
Example: "We want to help you, but we need your help too. It should be a two-way street."
16. it will never fly – it won’t be successful (كار ناموفق)
Example: "We don’t have to worry about their idea competing with ours. It will never fly."
17. it’s a jungle out there – it’s a difficult market with many, tough competitors (داشتن رقباي زياد در بازار)
Example: "Do you think a new company can survise without a unique product? It’s a real jungle out there!"
18. jump through hoops – trying very hard (like a dog doing tricks!) (تلاش خيلي سخت)
Example: "He’s a tough boss. All of his subordinates have to jump through hoops to prove their loyalty to the company."
19. put your cards on the table – be completely honest (كاملا صادق بودن)
Example: "I think it’s time to put all of our cards on the table. Here’s what we need…"
20. learning curve – how much time needed to learn something new (زمان كافي جهت يادگيري)
Example: "This new software has a long learning curve, so we have to give our staff enough time to learn how to use it well."
مدير دسترسي عمومي براي نوشتن را غيرفعال كرده.
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