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موضوع: story

story 10 سال 4 هفته ago #77533

{ Gathering Army At The Darkness Of The Christmas }
// 01/01/1895, Scotland //

The sky is dark and the right street that you're walking on it is empty of people. Supposedly a ball park figure. The chirpping of the crickets could be heard everywhere. You could even feel the darkness and solitude into the cells of your body. You feel that you're definitely on the line. Sometimes you try to do not fear but you can't 'cause of the goddamn situation that you are in it. There's no good sound to make you feel safe. All of a sudden, you start to cough or sing so calmly to keep your mind out of the situation and give the sensation of bravery to yourself but they're all unreal. The sound of your walking makes you feel worry and scared so more. Expecting ! expecting ! expecting to get home as soon as you can. There ain't so much light and darkness is making some unusual imaginations for you. How the hell ! You think that it would take a long time to get out of that area and show up home or somewhere more safe. It's impossible to see anybody on the streets. You wanna find another way to get home but you can't 'cause actually there's no other way and it's totally impossible to hit the road. You try to step on it. Suddenly, a cat jumps out of the garbage bin and makes a lot of noises and makes you feel more stressful. Probably you'll say goddamn bastard cat !!! Yeah, you're going to lose it and there's no situation to play it cool. When you're looking at the movements of cat, all of a sudden you see a tall shadow of a person in front of yourself. Everything pulled the plug on your movements. Yeah ! this is not the time to skip down ! You get shocked and your heart tends to be iced. You don't dare to look up but unfortunately there is no other fucking choice. When you look up, you see a tall, lanky middle-aged man in black, old and ruined suit. Apparently, most of his face was burned. He has a bloody large chopping-knife in his hand. This is crystal clear that he has killed somebody else before. This is a little hard to guess that he gets a kick out of killing people. Oh ! your mouth is locked and your blood is freezing. You are looking at him such as a soft touch and yellow-bellied person. The man is starring into your eyes in a damn silence. You don't dare to even get back and escape 'cause you're totally afraid. Your legs are shivering and all of a sudden you piss into your pants. Finally, you ask the man that do you wanna kill me ? That's a 64000 dollars question. The man answers with a rough voice that I must do it 'cause devil is gathering army and forces from the worst people in the universe for the doom's day. It's really near ! Hey you would better to do not start giving me the third degree. Then Your mouth get locked again and you're so shook up. You have special and unusual feelings on the skin of your face 'cause of fearing. You beg and say please sir ! Don't do it !! Don't do it !! Why ??!! Why me ??! I have had it. Then the man answers that I'm one of the pupils of my lord and he has chosen you. It would be your proud to join him so soon. He's waiting for you. Its a big deal that you're going to be one of our family members. Then you say to the man hey punk you want to kill me? You can say that again, said the lanky man. You can't eighty-six him at all. After hearing these words hundreds of bad act scenes of the past time appear in front of your eyes. The reason of this is that you try to think about the reason that devil has choosed you as his soldier. Then he shout and hit the large chopping-knife on your head. Yeah ! you're history right now but probably you don't scare no more !!!
مدير دسترسي عمومي براي نوشتن را غيرفعال كرده.

story 10 سال 1 روز ago #91767

great, fantastic
مدير دسترسي عمومي براي نوشتن را غيرفعال كرده.