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موضوع: showtime for poor people

showtime for poor people 10 سال 2 ماه ago #66486

(Show time For Poor People)
He started his act in Hip Hop in 1984. His real name was Carl Johnson but most of his fans where calling him Big Smoke 'cause he was a little fat and also so fascinated in smoking marijuana. At first he was working as a dime a dozen rapper in one of the greasy spoon of Detroit city in Michigan where was the hang out of the black folks. 5 dollars for each day ! wow ! Carl was regular singer and not a pro but as a matter of act he could handle the Hip Hop in a real good way and so game. In the process of time he found so many followers and approximately most of the people in Detroit were known him perfect. Carl had knocked them dead. It wasn't very easy to be a well-known rapper and make the big time in that city 'cause there were so many like him who were doing well in Hip Hop. Sometimes the hands of fate was making it so hard and he could not sleep a wink 'cause of worriness about the illness of his mom. Occassionally he was thinking that it will end in tears. He had to make as much money as he could to pay for her mom's drugs. One day after his work finished, a tall lanky middle-aged man with a five o clock shadow who was in an expensive tuxedo came to him and asked to talk to him for some minutes. His name was Lawrence MC Cartey. Hey B-boy ! How are you doing ? said Lawrence. Thank you sir ! What about you ? well ! Do I know you from somewhere? asked Carl. Ohoom ! I'm not very ok 'cause I got cut today in a casino but now I feel better 'cause I'm in front of a real talent , said Lawrence. The man was the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of a studio and as he had heard about the Carl from some familiar guys who had seen his job, he decided to meet him in order to know the new talent that everybody are talking about it around the city. My name's Lawrence MC Cartey & I'm the owner and CEO of a Hip Hop studio here in Detroit and I wanna give you a proposition which will change the procedure of your life forever and everybody are gonna give you two thumbs up for sure though and it's the real Mc Coy, said Lawrence. All of a sudden Carl thought that the man is a con-artist and lying through his teeth considering of this he asked the man to prove his goodwill but he didn't want to play hard to get. Ok ! Ok ! Where do you wanna go right now ? asked Lawrence. I wanna go to the pharmacy to buy some drugs for my mother 'cause she is sick, said Carl. Oh ! I'm really sorry ! Ok, mark my words, I can take you there by my car and also we can go for a spin to talk more, Alright ? said Lawrence. It's ok but I can't stay too much 'cause I'm a little worry about my mom, said Carl. Hey ! come on ! chill out carl and I hope that God forbid the bad events for her, said Lawrence. You know I got the salt of the earth about you and that's why I'm here right now, said Lawrence. But we just have known each other and how can you be so sure about my goodness ? asked Carl. Answering this question is like piece of cake 'cause it's around and everybody are talking about you, said Lawrence. Carl ! what's the matter with you ? I don't wanna take you out and you are not gonna do time ! You are not gonna even be thrown in at the deep end and I just want you to work for me and make lots of money with together and be sure that I do every kind of work to prove that I don't wanna get on the wrong side of you, continued Lawrence. Aha ! I got it Mr. Lawrence and I think it's crystal clear now, said Carl. Am I getting on your nerves ? asked Lawrence. No ! No ! Of course not, said Carl. Carl ! remember that never put your mom away, said Lawrence. He was feeling that Carl had a nerve about something and he guessed that probably it's because of his mother. He imagined that Carl's worriness is annoying him mentally so much. When they arrived to the pharmacy, Lawrence gave Carl some dollars and also his business card and asked him to call his office to set up a date if he is interested. At first Carl didn't want to accept it but after insistence of the Lawrence he did it. One day I'm gonna go Dutch with you in a restaurant man, said Lawrence when he was laughing. After farewell and buying the drugs, Carl headed to a grocery store to buy TV dinner. When he wanted to pay the shop keeper said it's on the house 'cause today is the birthday of the owner of the store. Carl thought that shop keeper is joking but it was the true and it made him so happy and energized. He was thinking about getting off a good start which can change his future and also be helpful for the remedy of his mom too. He had to take a firm decision in condition that he needed money so much and in fact there was no hard and fast rules in his life. The only important thing was his mother. Lawrence was a successful man but it should be noted that he had a finger in every pie and it wasn't proved for Carl yet. Next day he called Lawrence to make a date with him and he made it for that day evening. In the same day, the owner of the restaurant that he was working there called and asked him to come and to paint the town red with some other homeboys at that day night but Carl took a rain check 'cause of his appointment with Lawrence. When Carl when to Lawrence's office he got shocked 'cause that place was fantastic and so different from that run down restaurant that he was working there. As Lawrence met Carl he became so glad. Heeeey Carl ! we are like next of kin from today and this is a real good chance my friend. Lawrence and Carl talked to each other about the plans, money and Carl's life so much and it was successful. Carl decided to work with Lawrence 'cause as a matter of fact it was a real good choice for him and there was no sign of tip of the iceberg. On the way home Carl was so happy and he was cheering. When he arrived to his hood some of his homeboys were jacking around there like trying to find somebody. As they spotted Carl one of them said ohhh ! look what the cat's dragged in ! I bet you think that you are pretty smart and sophisticated right ? Carl, got that they have information about his meeting and contract with Lawrence. He thought that they may feeling a little jealous but when he got more near to them, they stopped him and started to hit him in a bad way by baseball bat and cursed. That was a real kickback and unbelievable ! Now you have a green thumb for your future, catch you later homie ! shouted one of his homeboys. Detroit had so many snitches in music and that's how they had understood and also the owner of the restaurant that poor Carl was working for him. It was the set up of that scumbag and in result of that poor Carl died 'cause of loss of blood. Yeah ! that was the set up of the owner of the restaurant.
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showtime for poor people 10 سال 1 ماه ago #68296

tnx a lot it was great
i enjoyed it so much
just a few problems
مدير دسترسي عمومي براي نوشتن را غيرفعال كرده.