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موضوع: Color Idioms

Color Idioms 9 سال 11 ماه ago #84002

as black as a skillet
- very black
My hands were as black as a skillet when I finished working on the car engine.
as black as a stack of black cats
- very black
The little boy was as black as a stack of black cats after playing outside all day.
as black as a sweep
- very dirty or black (a chimney sweep cleans chimneys and becomes very black)
My friend was as black as a sweep after he finished cleaning the basement.
as black as coal
- very black
My friend's cat is as black as coal.
as black as night
- very dark and black
The old house was as black as night when we entered it.
as black as pitch
- very black
My face was as black as pitch after cleaning the stove all morning.
as black as the ace of spades
- very black
The horse in the parade was as black as the ace of spades.
as red as a cherry
- bright red
The car was as red as a cherry after its new paint job.
as red as a poppy
- bright red
The mark on my arm was as red as a poppy.
as red as a rose
- intensely red
The morning sunrise was as red as a rose.
as red as a ruby
- deep red
The office assistant was wearing lipstick that was as red as a ruby.
as red as blood
- deep red
The stain on the carpet was as red as blood.
as white as a ghost
- very pale because of fear or shock or illness
My sister became as white as a ghost when she saw the man at the window.
as white as a sheet
- very pale
I felt terrible this morning and in the mirror I looked as white as a sheet.
as white as the driven snow
- very white
The fur on the dog was as white as the driven snow.
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