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موضوع: idioms:phrasal verbs

idioms:phrasal verbs 10 سال 1 ماه ago #71165

Account for: To explain
Ex: They had to ACCOUNT FOR all the money that had gone missing.

Break out: Start (war, conflict)
Ex: They're worried that war will BREAK OUT.

Bring up: mention
Ex: They didn't BRING the subject UP at the meeting.

Call off: cancel
The concert had to be CALLED OFF because the singer went down with a bad case of flu.

Call on: visit
As we were in the area, we CALLED ON my sister-in-law.

Fill in: complete a form
I FILLED IN the application form and posted it off.

Look down on: have a low opinion of
He LOOKS DOWN ON his colleagues because he thinks he's better than they are.
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idioms:phrasal verbs 10 سال 1 ماه ago #71198

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