سه شنبه, 15 خرداد 1403


موضوع: ترجمه انگليسي متن فولكلور به چه معني است؟

ترجمه انگليسي متن فولكلور به چه معني است؟ 10 سال 2 ماه ago #65725


It includes a collection of folk or folk belief, legends, stories, music, dance, oral history, proverbs, satire, popular beliefs, customs, knew .
The English word meaning Folk Folk Lore means of mass is formed.
The general mass of people, usually takes more folklore among old people than is found in wild tribes examples of folklore.
William Thomas Tyqhshnas English folk term for the first time in an article discussing the subject of folk and traditional customs were stated
The terms of the way it was half a century ago in Iran and Literature And gradually the term Bhmny folk knowledge Knowledge permeated masses and "popular culture", "folk culture", "mass culture" and "popular culture" was called.
Iranian folklore
Iran's ancient history is diverse customs and beliefs And so in terms of rich folk.
Iran is a long tradition in Mythology and storytelling

Evidence legends and myths since the Iranian Avesta of Zoroaster, and hundreds of years before he is bounced.

Written works, thousands of stories and legends and stories verbally and-mouth in rural and urban areas and Kvhpayhhay It was common land or in coffee houses or night, at home, was cited.

Perhaps more than twenty years, at least one person in every family who had a better story to tell and hear stories of lives and tens of rich colors and unique folk customs, we had her.
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