چهارشنبه, 16 خرداد 1403


موضوع: A brief look at the theory of Charlz Darwin

A brief look at the theory of Charlz Darwin 10 سال 3 ماه ago #61674

A brief look at the theory of Charlz Darwin
This series is about perhaps the most powerful idea ever that accord to human mind. The idea is evolution by natural selection and the genius who thought of it was Charlz Darwin. I`m a biologist and Darwin has inspiration for me.
His masterpiece on the origin of species was published hundred and fifty years ago. And it changed forever our view of the world and our place in it. what Darwin achieved was nothing less than a complete explanation of the Complexity and diversity of all life and yet it`s one of simplest idea as anyone ever had.
In this series I want to persuade you that evolution offer the far richer view of world than deny religious story. This is one reasons that I don`t believe in God.
I want to show you how Darwin opened our eyes to reality of our world. In this first program I`m going to tell you who Charlz Darwin was, explain how he discovered his theory of evolution what it is and why it matters.
by the end I hope to have convince you of the truth that evolution is a fact, fact by undeniable evidence. And I want to give you a brutal elegance which Darwin realized drive evolutional. Natural selection.
When Charlz Darwin was born 200 years ago sailors and explorers was sending home some Specimens. From all part of Britain the growing empire Every animal was believed to have a unique place in God creation. Each made by God according to his perfect unchanging design. At school the young Charlz Darwin has taught that God had created the earth and all of this rich variety of life just 6000 years ago.
Today thanks to Darwin we know differently. But even now according to polls four out of every ten British people prefer to the old idea and believe that God created our world every living creation in it.
I think it`s a scandal how little our children told about evolution at school
A typical class just gets a few hours to study one of the most important ideas in sciences
This note got me. I went to meet a science class of 15 or 16 year olds of park high school in London. To try to open their eyes to Darwinism. Why do we need to find out about evolution?
Because it is the exploration for our existence and because it explain such a huge number of fact because everything we know about life is explained by it. I believe in my religion so whenever I read about evolution I can`t understand it and I don`t believe it I just like believe in my religion. Right so you know what you believe when you start and when any new books say`s anything different you don`t read it? Even if it got evidence I have stronger evidence which is holy book so the reason you believe it is that because that they you it first.
I can see that a few hours in the science lab is no match for a life time religious indoctrination. I was brought up to believe it you brought up to believe it. It`s not good reason to believe something. Because I went to church....
The bible says about it.
Yes they grow up to believe that. Yes so you mean everybody just should believe what brought up to believe even they contradict each other. You can be made to believe in science and you can make to believe in religious studies but it related to you what you belief. You can`t just say that. Right I hate this phrase make to believe that is an awful thing and I would hate to anybody to make believe. I'm asking you to looking at evidence.
Nobody actually seen evolution take place... but they see after effect and the after effects are massively support. Case of a court law when nobody can actually say I saw the murder happened but yet it has millions of million piece of evidence which no reasonable person could possibly disown. That is.....
There is only one thing for it. I`m going to show some evidences. Something they can touch with their own hands, see with their own eyes. Later we will see if I can make them think again. When Charlz Darwin was a teenager he would have been as much creationist as some of this children. Darwin was born in ....family in 1809.His father was a doctor and liked his son follow his in scientific foot step. But charlz more interested in hunting and fishing in academic skills...
Luckily for him and for us he had a opportunity to open his eyes to see the world. In 1831 as a young man of 22 Darwin's family connection got him once in his life invitation. Around the world on the survey ship H M S Bigel.
Over 5 years Darwin collected hundred and hundred specimens to send back to collectioners but increasingly he wasn`t satisfied with just recording the animals and planets he saw. He was beginning to have doubts about the biblical story and about how animals created.
While he was riding around South American flat lands he amused himself by chasseing on ostriches ... and flight lakes birds but he was he was puzzled. Why had God bothered to create two very similar but in different type. Had an original groups getting two and one separated start to develop in the own way. The mystery get deeper when Darwin noticed even more ... in the Islands. I was lucky enough to reached Darwin's foot step on the Galapagos Island last year. Here he began to wonder why God what have created this thing of kinds turtle goldfinch Iguana or more or less in identical in small islands.
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