سه شنبه, 22 خرداد 1403


موضوع: جمله سازي و مكالمه

جمله سازي و مكالمه 10 سال 3 هفته ago #77447

»به نام خدا«

عنوان: ساختن جملات تبلیغاتی
رشته تحصیلی:کاردانی تبلیغات
نام استاد: سرکار خانم مشتاقی
نام و نام خانوادگی دانشجو: سارا فیروزی
شماره دانشجویی:91138049270029

Word Sentenses
1.Advertisement: Advertisements an important role in today’s business
2.Advertising agency: Set that makes advertising agency for advertising
3.AIDA: AIDA is an acronym that represeting the 4 major Items on promotions
4.Benefit: The benefit outcome of the profits from the trade or business of another is
5.Billboard: Billboard is a kind of advertisiment
6.Broadsheet: We have a picture of the ship with a short explanation about broadsheet and
Forms to print
7.Campaign: I'm campaign department a job
8.Circulation: You Kalahaytan in the circulation of the magazine is to introduce high
9.Classified ads: Many newspapers are published classified ads
10.Commercial: We have two of the movies we watched some commercial
11.Coupon: Some manufacturers offer coupon promote goods
12.Direct mail: I'll show you advertising with direct mail
13.Double page spread: If you want your ad to print double page spread was too expensive
14.Editing: Every day we do editing multiple text ads
15.Eye catcher: We had an eye catcher sale of television advertising
16.Feature: The company is trying to explain this feature characteristics of its products
17.Generic advertising: We give a generic advertising to a general recognition of the need to supply

Word Sentenses
18.Hoarding: I have a colorful hoarding for noticeboard've designed
19.Hype: This plant is only the hype claims
20.Jingle: Sometimes a jingle has a significant effect on the sale of a commodity
21.Key words: Key words in advertisements is very influential
22.Launch: We're a launch company and need to be recognized as a great advertising
23.Mail shot: Please visit our promotions by mail shot to the show
24.Mass media: We need to improve the sales of their ads in mass media offer
25.Plug: plug is based on honesty
26.Poster: The company has released a great poster
27.Prime time: Customize advertising to prime time show
28.Promote: we should promote for the sale of goods
29.Roadside signs: One of the ways to promote the use of roadside signs
30.Slogan: Companies sometimes effective use of advertising slogans
31.Slot: TV advertising slot is sometimes longer than five minutes
32.Soundbite: soundbite in a conference Tsr negative publicity
33.Spam: Sometimes spam text messages to cell phone
34.Spot: You can place your ads on spot
35.Tabloid: Please print advertising company tabloid

Word Sentenses
36.Target: The target of advertising goods and services is recognized
37.U.S.P: U.S.P is A brief word to express what that one thing that distinguishes
38.Write copy: Valid write copy must be edited before release

A:Hello.My names sara firoozi.
Whats your name?
A:where are you from Nastaran?
B:Im from Tehran,Iran.
A:Heloo.my name’s Sara.what’s your name?
A:Where are you from;Nastaran?
B:I’m from esfahan.Where are you from?
A:I’m from Tehran.

-My names Sara Firoozi and Im student.Im29.Im single.
I live in an apartment in Tehran.I want to learn English for my
-My names Sara Firoozi and Im student.Im29.Im not marrid.I have two sister .I live in house in Tehran ,Iran.
I want learn english because its an internatinal my job.
مدير دسترسي عمومي براي نوشتن را غيرفعال كرده.
مدیران انجمن: پروین مشتاقی