پنج شنبه, 17 خرداد 1403


موضوع: my daily routine

my daily routine 11 سال 2 هفته ago #10360

On Weekdays I usually wake up at 6.30 am
!I stay in bed about 10 minutes before I get up
I wash my face
I brush my teeth
I get dressed
I leave home at around 7:00
I drive my car to work
I arrive work at around 7:30
I have a breakfast at around 8.30 in office
.I usually work on the computer
At around 1pm I have lunch
I leave work at 4:30
I arrive home at around 5:00
I get undressed
If I don't feel so tired I play my 3tar and listen to the traditional music of Iran
then I study my books
Then Finally at around 12pm I turn off the lights and go to bed

:P :cheer: :) B) :unsure:
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