چهارشنبه, 16 خرداد 1403


موضوع: The road not taken

The road not taken 10 سال 10 ماه ago #15752

The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
We have a visual imagery , the picture of the wood with 2 roads.
Yellow wood; symbol of the fall time in a middle aged person's life.
Two roads: Metaphor for two options
And sorry I could not travel both:
Sorry: The feeling of regretful
And be one traveler, long I stood
Traveler: anyone who's living and having some experiences.
Long I stood: It was a thoughtful decision
And looked down one as far I could
Looked down: Thinking studying and predicting the result what you are gonna do.
To where it bent in the undergrowth
Bent in the undergrowth : The symbol of the unpredictable events in the future (Blindness to future)
Then took the other , as just as fair
Took the other : Time of decision making
Fair: The result of the comparison to your own natures priorities.
And having perhaps the better claim:
Better claim: Shows he's happy or satisfied with what he had chosen
Because it was grassy and wanted wear:
Grassy: The symbol of having a tendency of towards being leader in an experience not a follower- grassy: not trodden by the others.
Wanted wear: It's something my own nature really likes and wishes for.
Though as far that the passing there/ had worn them really about the same:
At the beginning both choices seem to be the same but throughout the life itself, we can see the difference.
Worn: experienced or taken( chosen)
And both that morning equally lay:
Morning: symbol- hope without any idea of what's gonna happen throughout the day.
In leaves no step had trodden black:
Trodden black: are the symbol of experience
Oh I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back:
At first he made a choice and after a day he started to think about……… The other road would be like and he got doubtful whether he had to take the other or keep the same choice.
Doubt: Is showing hesitating mood of this line.
Yet: showing that the speaker is in contrast to his own feeling
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
It is the resolution of the whole poem "ages and ages" is telling the reader about the passages of time which showed and proved the differences in the speaker's life because of his choice. And on the other hand , indirectly he's complaining about shortness of life. Less traveled by is picture his nature and the reason for his choice so he did what his nature needed, there shouldn't be any regretfulness
1 Speaker : an experienced man
2. Intonation: mood and attitude- (hesitating between being regretful or pleased with his choice.
3. Theme: central (main) idea: . what life is like and what differences our choices are going to put in to our being and lives.
The Road : Metaphor for the comparison between the passing of life and a path led to somewhere
The Road not taken: It's ambiguous
It has two implied symbol meaning (your missed choice--- your leading tendency)

Theme of the road not taken:
It seems to be that choice can make differences in to our lives, and when we make them, we try to do it based on our real needs and wishes. Therefore, there can't be a regret out of something we made with our own wanting and knowledge at the time of our choice.
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