چهارشنبه, 16 خرداد 1403


موضوع: the sentences of lessen 38

the sentences of lessen 38 10 سال 5 ماه ago #49489

1- Fortunately, after that deadly accident, he could land on his feet.

2- Getting through to people is very hard for him because he doesn't like to be dished out.

3- Although he is no over his head, he always keeps his word.

4- As you have always thought to be a far cry from the others, you asked for punishment.

5- After they father –in-law had given them a hand with some money, the young couple got out from under their financial problems.
مدير دسترسي عمومي براي نوشتن را غيرفعال كرده.
مدیران انجمن: پانته آ رجاء