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موضوع: help in learning English - to master "Taghavi"

help in learning English - to master "Taghavi" 11 سال 2 هفته ago #8553

Learning Vocabulary

The first method - writing new words on a sheet Persian + translations
It is one of the most misunderstood, most people learn to use English words. Example, the teacher says, and your new vocabulary as he got into office student class or write a paper. In front of each word you write Persian translation lie ahead for the next session, you're going to keep that word. Well your brain to adapt to Farsi. When the mind is like a Persian word you say. But little mention of his English vocabulary. This might be the way to maintain a good word, but it is not good to keep for a long time.
The second method - writing new words on the page + English translation
This method is now one of the best ways to learn English vocabulary. Get your brain into English and English into the delivery ... Another good reason for this approach is the English translation of the word in the description or you will not forget.
The third method - the use of flash cards
First you say that the baby game. Are not. Flash cards are only bad thing is that too much time is required. Note that this method is applicable only when you make your own flash cards and not buy him out.
The fourth method - use English to Farsi Dictionary
This might help you get a dictionary just to translate., If we want an accurate translation of the word I never learn not use this dictionary. Between one and forty English words meant. While the dictionary may only be written in one of his translations.
Best Practices - learn English vocabulary in context
Maybe tell us why you did not write in English using English Dictionary. 'll Tell you that the answer is because that's the best way to English Dictionary English in addition to writing all the meanings of a word, Some examples of synonyms of that word too often they are written. You need to learn English vocabulary in the context of the rules to know how to use it. Know the different meaning of a word and how it will be used.
Of course I should add that there are other ways. Such as pocket dictionary, learn the words to the movies, shopping manuals and dictionaries .... But these are mostly depends on the person. I should mention that I use way more than 5 people. If you want to expand your vocabulary level, the way I see it.
How the English words mind?

Remembering the wording of a foreign language can be one of the frustrating parts of learning a language. Fortunately Various methods for speeding up and enjoy it, there is more to consider:
Card Show (Flash cards)
The fastest way to browse the cards on display are words that need to be repeated. This method is very effective and yet affordable. The method follows a set of index card, the size of the pocket should be provided, In a word of English writing on the other side of the card, which means you enter into Farsi. As you review the cards, the wording be divided into two categories: Those with means and those who do it immediately because it means you can not easily recall. Over word that they still have not mastered well enough to continue to make sure they have learned.
Bureau Word
Make sure you get a good dictionary Bureau and encounter a new word each time to get it down in a notebook. Just writing the word and it means do not suffice. In some cases, you can register at the office include: Explain the meaning of English words, synonyms, antonyms, images, sample sentences (English), phonetic signs, the type of word (noun, verb, etc.), grammatical notes (countable, undocumented, etc.), words family ....
The interesting things you can do: For example, you can create your own new words and write a sentence. Or pages to assign specific topics, such as animals, colors, shapes, money, travel, food and fruit ....
In this way, you get an English dictionary with pronunciation or spelling of a word in Persian which is similar, related, so you do not necessarily semantically connected. . For example, if the first word of the tongue (tongue: the meaning of language) experience, you realize that it's pronounced like the tank is in Persian. So you can imagine in your mind rather than speaking, a tank of someone's mouth is running out!
Second example: Suppose you eat Brave word meaning valorous. We can imagine this in your mind so that you're at the beach, standing and watching whales. One of the whales come to the surface, but once they see you are afraid and run away, until a Russian Wall (A Wall of Russia) and instead of you coming to the surface to escape, coming toward you. You say to yourself: Wall Russians are brave!
This technique helps you to better remember the meanings of words. It is also strange that no matter how the image is made, it will be easier to remember.
Repeat, repeat and repeat!
Studies show that more than 8 times as likely to learn words when reading different texts are seen much more than the words that are repeated. Linguists believe that repeating the same words aloud to help them out on that. So sometimes repeating the same simple memory helps you to remember difficult words. In addition, it is recommended that the full sentence in which the word itself, or of the number of times you can repeat out loud.
You can also take the word of command, root, meaning and ... Are linked together, learn together: child, childhood, childish, childless

How to reduce your accent ?
Pronounced that learners face many problems due to wrong use of sounds that are used in their native language. The articulation problems that you may suffer from the same problems that other learners 'language' you'll face.
When a native English (native) tells you that you have (for example) Russian and Chinese dialects are, in fact, confirms this point.
The movements of the mouth and speaking English (native) check.
The main language of the speaker's mouth movements when watching you closely. Repeat what he can imitate his voice and tone.
Speak slowly ...
Have not learned English well until the tone sounds, speak slowly. If you talk fast, tone and spelling mistakes, English speakers have difficulty in understanding what they want to say they will. Also, if you're mistaken "talking" to continue, these errors will remain in your mind.
Use the dictionary ...
With the phonetic symbols of your dictionary and you know the correct pronunciation of words that are difficult for you to pay them to look at it.
Listen to books on tape having ...
The preparation of a tape or CD audio books can read and listen at the same time. Parts of the book read aloud and record your own voice. Compared with the original speaker's own voice and try to rectify mistakes.
Note extensions s and ed ...
The correct pronunciation of words that end in s or ed will learn. For example, s-or es-Take. Sometimes these extensions sound / S / shows (for example, eats), sometimes sound / Z / is (for example, plays) and sometimes the sound / IZ / is (for example, washes).
Read aloud in English ...
15 to 20 minutes per day for an English text (eg a novel) to read aloud. This will help you make those mouth muscles for speaking English are used to reinforce it. Research shows that learning a new language for talking about three months of daily exercise is needed for the muscles of the mouth (for specific languages) are supported.
Listen to your voice…
You can record your own voice and listen to it to find its articulation errors. This is an excellent exercise because it helps you become conscious of the mistakes you'll ever make.
Be patient ...
How can you improve your speaking, but "overnight" is not acquired. People are often looking for immediate results and therefore are very easily discouraged from trying to take a hand.

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