چهارشنبه, 16 خرداد 1403


موضوع: Tourist Information Azarbaijan

Tourist Information Azarbaijan 9 سال 5 ماه ago #107271

Tourist Information Azerbaijan (Baku)
Azerbaijan is a country in northern Iran, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey and the Caspian Sea neighbors. The oil from the oil-rich countries of the world and a large part of the economy is. Baku, capital and Azerbaijan is the largest city in the country. Baku is located on the west coast of the Caspian Sea, over 3/000/000 people and dates back to over 1000 years. Baku has three main parts: Old town, Boomtown and Soviet-built town is divided into 12 regions. The first tourist information center at 36 Avenue Hajibeyov Baku was established by the UN, UNDP, is located.
Transportation in Baku:
Transportation in Baku by plane (the airport Aidaraliev), Metro (subway system in Baku with a history of forty years old), taxi and bus. The transport Baku across the Caspian Sea as well as the ports of Baku with the associated transport, Anzali and Noshahr in Iran
Azerbaijani Manat
A Manat equal to $ 1.1837
A Manat equal to 11,500 rials
Weather in Baku:
Azerbaijan has several types of climate climate is varied. Average air temperature in the lowland areas of the North and East of the country to 6 ° C in winter and 26 ° C in summer arrives, while in the western mountainous regions (Karabakh) in winter to 12 degrees in winter and in summer reaches 12 ° C. Generally, the North and East of the country has a relatively dry climate and mountainous, while the southeast region is mild and humid climate. The western region, including Nagorno-Karabakh and Nakhichevan are relatively moist. The central region consists of vast plains agricultural potential and are watered by the deaf
Ground distance of:
Earth's distance from the border to the city of Baku Shhrastara about 315 km (about 4 hours overland) and ground distance of 180 km border town Bilesuar Magi to Baku and Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport is 50 minutes from the air
Nightlife in Baku:
It is an active arts ballet and opera and ballet theaters, operas and Azerbaijan Carpet Museum and art of the city are spectacular places. Discos and Clubs Baku variety of other places of tourist interest of the people and the city. The beautiful beaches of Baku from other areas in the city are highly regarded.Also, because of the high antiquity of this city, was not unaware of the historical places of the city.Baku because of its geographical location, major shopping centers and retail markets, with the exception of. Many large companies such as Mc Donald's world of food and clothing to the branch
Azerbaijan has benefited from the quality and variety of food so that many people know it's there with delectable dishes as well as some of the world famous companies such as McDonald are branch. It is noteworthy that the cost of food (and in all other costs) in Azerbaijan, it is cheaper than in our country.
Travel to Baku
For both through the air and ground travel to Baku can do:
1. Ground Tour
Baku land tour for the number of passengers (individual and group) can be defined. Either the passenger or passengers can be represented in person or by placing a phone call to one of the tourist companies approved by the Cultural Heritage and Tourism of Azerbaijan the desire desire to travel to the information you need Baku has received from the relevant authorities. It should be noted that the majority of tourist companies around the world have been active website enables our customers to see online all of the desired destination tours selection the and the reservation.
Once the customer to choose the land route to travel to Baku and has the necessary documents, including passport, a photograph, and fifty percent of the contract amount offered, the tourist office Talnd your links all of the work visa, hotel booking, bus ticket booking and coordination of the program was conducted by the agency and the host bus tickets, Vvchr back to the hotel and offers passengers.
Passengers per hour provided in your ticket usually is 22:00 every day, and in the early morning bus to Astara at land border customs and passport control on the bus. Payment of the land boundary, a boundary is a time-consuming tasks that can be paid prior to the date of departure in time to save.
After customs and passport control on the passenger side of the bridge crossing the border into the territory of Azerbaijan and the inspection, and passport control of the border are common. All this takes approximately two hours. After all the border of the passengers on the bus again and move to Baku. More travel green and covered with trees and along the coastal strip is part. Towns, villages and beautiful attractions of the Azerbaijani people on the path to ground.
Bus around noon for lunch, prayer and bathroom stops on a route that is usually in the forest, does not stop. Travelers can have America Dollars or Azerbaijani Manat restaurants track facility use, the better However, some canned food with authentic history with you. Food prices in Azerbaijan's almost the same prices, but prices may vary according to region.
Bus at around 17:00 pm and arrived in Baku According to the program coordinator, passengers will be transferred to the hotel from the bus stop. After each passenger can have if you want your time for sightseeing and visit the city and have fun allocated to that. Baku city tour of monuments and landmarks are planned by Azerbaijani Cooperation Agency.
2. Air Tour
Azerbaijan Airlines AZAL
Air travel story starts in Azerbaijan dates back to 1923, when the first aircraft flying between Baku and Tbilisi Germany (Yvnkr) occurred. Before independence in 1991, Azerbaijan, AZAL will operate as part of the airline Aeroflot. The AZAl activity only domestic flights between the cities of the former Soviet Union were conducted. Now after the independence of Azerbaijan in 1991, the airline AZAL full compliance with ICAO standards and IATA passenger and stewardess highest quality service to their clients on international flights will be implemented. Baku International Airport (Heydar Aliyev) the strategic geographical location of East-West and South-North Air Vqrar the road entrance and exit and transit routes is ever increasing. Baku International Airport on th October 2000 was a great witness.The date of the first flight of Boeing 757-200 landed at Baku airport.
Azerbaijan Airlines and implementation of regular international flights to destinations in Paris, London, Tbilisi, Moscow, Milan, Kiev, Kabul and Tehran as one of the air transportation is convenient, cheap and high-quality service in the industry raised is. Direct flights Tehran-Baku and vice versa, as well as transit flights to these destinations via the Baku International Airport, the airline's market very well received.
Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic:
Azerbaijan's Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan is the capital of the province. Naxcivan 12 square kilometers and a total of 8 of 8 city and about 203 villages.
On February 9 th 1924 Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was established as a republic became a central city, "Nakhchivan" and eight central part of "Ordubad, Julfa, Babak, evil, Shahbvz, Sdrk and Kngrly" is. The Autonomous Republic of South Caucasus, located north of the Aras River and the north and east is limited to the south by Armenia, Iran and the West is limited to Turkey. Along the borders of the republic "Republic of Armenia", 224 kilometers, "Iran" 163 km "Republic of Turkey" 12 km. The area of the Autonomous Republic of 5,500 kilometers and a population of over 257,400 people in 1983 and in 2001 was estimated at approximately 400 thousand people.
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