پنج شنبه, 17 خرداد 1403


موضوع: ترجمه

ترجمه 9 سال 6 ماه ago #103825

The foundation of the world biggest under water hotel Dubai.
Dubai beside of the luxurious buildings and architectural striking that put in it self/now decided to add a world greatest underwater hotel in its luxurious complex.
According to mail online , the designing of this hotel is based of a polish company that its name is Deep Oshen. Technology and participating with a Swiss company.This hotel has a strange shape with a 2 disc shape part.that with a narrow stairs and pi lair shapes that connect together with a elevator.
مدير دسترسي عمومي براي نوشتن را غيرفعال كرده.
مدیران انجمن: افروز آرین فر