یکشنبه, 27 خرداد 1403


موضوع: تمرین دوم درس متون تخصصی

تمرین دوم درس متون تخصصی 10 سال 1 ماه ago #74217

Definitions of Public relation:

Public relation is a management function that involves monitoring and evaluating public attitudes and
maintaining mutual relations and understanding between an organization and its public.

Public could include shareholders government consumers employees and the media.

P r o s ensure internal cohesion in the company by maintaining a clear communications network between

the management and employees.

Its first objective is to improve channels of communication and to establish new ways of setting up a

two-way flow of information and understanding.

Subject of public relations is a management function that helps organization to compete effectively

in the competitive and global era.

Technically defined Public relation are the management function that evaluates public attitudes identifies

the policies and procedures of the organization and executes a program

of action to earn public understanding and acceptance.

Meet the public relations needs of association.

The chief responsibility of the public relations chair in order to be successful is to communicate

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