یکشنبه, 27 خرداد 1403


موضوع: ترجمه مقاله داده شده

ترجمه مقاله داده شده 9 سال 9 ماه ago #101192

Supplicant to Achilles. In the Odysseus,he has reached a higher level.The switchers there says that the needy and the strain ,Germany are from Zeus and he who fails to help there sins against zeus himself . Heston, not much later than the Odysseus if ,all.says of a man who does evil to the supplicant and the stranger,or who wrongs orphan children, "with that man Zeus is angry"
Then justice became Zeus' s companion . That was a new idea.the succeeding chieftains in the Iliad did not want justice. They wanted to be able to take whatever they chose because they were strong and they wanted a god who was on the side of the strong. But Hesiod, who was a peasant living in a poor man's world, knew that the poor rust have a just god. He wrote, "Fishes and beasts and bowls of the air defense your one another. But to man, Zeus has given justice. Beside Zeus on his throne justice has her seat." These passages show that the great and bitter needs of the helpless were reaching up to heaven and changing the god of the strong into the pro detector of weak.
So,back of the stories of an amorous Zeus and a cowardly Zeus and a ridiculous Zeus, we can catch sight of another Zeus coming into being, as men grew continually more can spacious of what life demanded of them and what human beings needed in the god they worshiped.Gradually this Zeus displaced the others, until he occupied the whole scene. At last he became, in the words of Dion Charleston, who wrote during the second century A.D:"Our Zeus ,the giver of every good gift,the corn on father and saviour and guardian of mankind."
The Odysseus speaks of "the divine for which all man long " ,and hundreds of years later Aristotle wrote," Excellence,much labored for By the race of mortals." The Greeks from.
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ترجمه مقاله داده شده 9 سال 9 ماه ago #101360

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