سه شنبه, 15 خرداد 1403


موضوع: Nowruz

Nowruz 10 سال 16 ساعت ago #87746

Name And Family Name: Fahimeh Rezaei
Term: second
University: Elmi-Karbourdi
Unit:13 of Tehran
Date: 1393/3/13
Farvardin 1
Today, I arrived at home in Shomal for holidays . my family was doing a spring cleaning of their pretty wooden house in preparation for the spring festival (Nowruz) of Iran. I and my family put our hands together to great people around on home with a traditional gesture called happy new year. (with Shomal, accent ). And my uncle translated their woods to people. (because we want to send it to the networks in Iran).
That smells wonderful! The women were cooking Shomali foods for the next day's feast. We went to the near of sea and get lots of fish from (Khazar sea) for (the before right of Nowruz) and next we go to market for buying many things for (Haft Sin), that's among: 1. Vinegar 2. Brunet or brunette 3. Garlic 4. Samano 5. Sea-buckthorn 6. Coin 7. Sumac and additionally 8. Fish plus 9. Colored-egg s . we all dressed up and went to the relatives home for dinner. Next day, when will the feast we calling to the relative and go out to the family's home for greeting, but before of greeting, we were bathing and perfume (Scent). And we were growing the flowers of the yard. For dinner or lunch that they independent to the time of the (Nowruz), we will eat (Sabzipolue with Fish) that it's favorite foods of Iranian people for specially time.
Farvardin 13
Today was the last day of feast(Nowruz), and people go to the Green Space or park get together with family for brunette tying on Farvardin 13 and they spend time to eat, drink, sing, socialize. (it was the cultures of the Iranian people)
مدير دسترسي عمومي براي نوشتن را غيرفعال كرده.
كاربر(ان) زير تشكر كردند: علی جباری

Nowruz 9 سال 11 ماه ago #92935

HI dear.that was good but here are some points to mention;
1.WE GET TO GETHER TO GREET NOT put our hands to gether
2.many things for 7seen such as/or including.. NOT among
3.around home NOT around on home
4.went to seashore NOT near of sea
5.in special time NOT specially time
any way you have done it well and that's admirable.thanks
مدير دسترسي عمومي براي نوشتن را غيرفعال كرده.
كاربر(ان) زير تشكر كردند: علی جباری
مدیران انجمن: سیده ژاله خطیبی