سه شنبه, 15 خرداد 1403


موضوع: Iranian Nowrooz Festival Journal

Iranian Nowrooz Festival Journal 10 سال 3 روز ago #85812

B) the attached file is about one of the biggest Iranian celebration which has been done at the beginning of each new year.
مدير دسترسي عمومي براي نوشتن را غيرفعال كرده.

Iranian Nowrooz Festival Journal 10 سال 2 روز ago #87183

hi,there are some points I'd like to correct in your survey suhc as;
1.his family was NOT WERE
2.we all WOKE UP not waked up
3.ON the table cloth NOT INSIDE
4.New year"hoiday NOT new year holiday
by the way that was great and well done thanks
مدير دسترسي عمومي براي نوشتن را غيرفعال كرده.
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