سه شنبه, 15 خرداد 1403


موضوع: International students

International students 10 سال 3 هفته ago #75804

International Students

Introduction and Definitions
All round the world, there are international students at institutions of higher education. The definition of an international student is “a post secondary student from another country”. The meaning of postsecondary is “after high school”. Another phrase for international students is “foreign students”. The word foreign means “of a different country or culture”. Even so, some people don`t like the word foreign. Instead, they use the phrase “international students”. For an institution of higher education, they say “university”, “college”, or “school”.

a) What does “international students” mean?
b) What is the meaning of “postsecondary”?
c) What is another phrase for “international students”?
d) What is the definition of “foreign”?
e) Which phrase we can use instead of “foreign”?
f) What are other substitutions for “institution of higher education”?

Where International Students Attend School
International students leave their home countries. They go to school abroad. One meaning of the word abroad is “in a foreign place.”Probably, the country with the most students from abroad is the United States. Canada, Great Britain, and some other European countries also have a lot of students from other countries. But more and more, international students attend colleges and universities in the developing nations of Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Developing nations are countries without a high level of industrialization or technology.

a) What is the meaning of “abroad”?
b) What is the name of a country with the most foreign students?
c) Can you name the countries which have a lot of international students?
d) What does “attend” mean?
e) What is the definition of “developing nations”?

Why Students Attend School Abroad
Why do high school and college graduates go to colleges and universities far from their homes? Undergraduates are postsecondary students without college degrees. Often, undergraduates want the experience of life in new cultures. Maybe they want to learn another language well. Many students want degrees in business, engineering, or technology. These subjects are not always available in their home countries. Some governments and companies send their best graduate students and workers to other countries for new knowledge and skills. And some international students from expensive private schools at home save money through study abroad programs, especially in developing.
a) Why do undergraduates go abroad?
b) Can you tell three reasons that the undergraduates go abroad?
c) Why do many students want to study business or engineering abroad?
d) What are the most subjects that students study abroad?
e) Whom do the governments and companies send abroad?
f) Why do governments or companies send the best students and workers to other countries?
g) What is the reason of international students from expensive private schools at home to go abroad?

Why Universities Want Foreign Students
Why do institutions of higher education want international students? Students from other countries and cultures bring internationalism to the classroom and campus. They bring different languages, customs, ideas, and opinions from many places. Also, educational institutions need money. Tuition is the fee or charge for instruction. Private schools are colleges and universities not supported by government money. They charge high tuition. International students are not citizens or immigrants. (One definition of citizens and immigrants is “legal members of a nation or country”) International students pay full tuition and fees to state or government schools. And all students away from home have to spend money for housing, food, recreation, and other things. For these reasons, many schools and groups of schools want students from other countries.
a) What does “campus” mean?
b) Why do institutions of higher education want international students?
c) What do the foreign students bring ?
d) What is “tuition”?
e) What are “private schools”?
f) What are the things that students should pay for?
g) Who are “citizens”?
h) Are international students immigrants or citizens?
i) Who are immigrants?
Conclusion and Summary
For different reasons, many high schools and college graduates want or need to study abroad. For other reasons, many nations want or need students from other countries and cultures on their college and university campuses.
a) Is there any reason that causes college graduates want to study abroad?
b) Why many nations want or need students from other countries?

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كاربر(ان) زير تشكر كردند: حسین لواسانی

International students 10 سال 6 روز ago #83679

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