چهارشنبه, 16 خرداد 1403


موضوع: Conversition

Conversition 10 سال 5 ماه ago #52551

Conversition between :zahra tabatabaee & zahra sadeghi

A: Hi, how are you?

B:Hi. I am fine , and you? Where are you vacation?

A: I am good , I went to Hawaii on vacation.
B: Did you like it?

A: I loved it. I want to live there.

B: What did you like?

A: The island is so green, and the water is so blue.

B: Did you go swimming?

A: I went to the beach every day.

B: How was the weather?

A: It was hot and sunny every day.

B: What did you do at night?

A: At night I went out to eat..

B: Do you like food?

A: yes, The food was delicious.

B: People who live in Hawaii are lucky.

A: Did you write a letter to grandma?

B: Yes, I did.

A: Did you tell her about school?

B: I told her that school is fun.

B: Yes, and I sealed the envelope.

A: Did you put a stamp on the envelope?

B: I couldn’t find any stamps.

A: They’re in the kitchen drawer.

B: Okay. I just put a stamp on the envelope.

A: Give me the envelope, and I’ll mail it for you.
B: When is grandma going to learn about e-mail?

A:I don’t Know….
B:have good time.bye
A:tanks bye.
آخرين ويرايش: 10 سال 5 ماه ago توسط افروز آرین فر. دليل: !no need to have Persian translation
مدير دسترسي عمومي براي نوشتن را غيرفعال كرده.
مدیران انجمن: افروز آرین فر