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موضوع: Essay about best friend

Essay about best friend 10 سال 5 ماه ago #57481

EWhat do you want most in a friend – someone who is intelligent , or someone who has a sense of humor , 0r someone who is reliable ? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you ? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice .
I like people who are intelligent and I always enjoy someone with a good sense of humor . What I look for first , how ever , is a friend who is reliable . I need to be able to rely on my friends to provide me with companionship , to support me to encourage me.
I depend on my friends for companionship . If I want to see a movie or go to a concert , of course I ask some friends to accompany me . If I feed sad or lonely , I can count on my friends to spend some time with me . I f I feel happy , I can invite all my friends to party . I know they will come over to have a good time with me .
When I am having troubles , I turn to my friends for support . If I fail an exam , or have a fight with someone , I call up a friend . I rely on my friends to be willing to talk to me and help me solve my problems . I expect my friends to be there when I need them , and I do the same for them .
I need my friends to encourage me . If I am afraid to do something such as enroll in a difficult course or apply for a job to earn some extra money , my friends help me . They talk to my and give me a confidence I need to try new and difficult things. I know I can count on them to give me encouragement when I need it .
We like to spend time with smart and entertaining people . I think the people who make the best friends , thought , are people who are reliable . If someone is reliable , you know he or she will always be ready to give you companionship , support , and encouragement when you need it . that s what friends are for , isn t it
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