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موضوع: اصول و مبانی ترجمه

اصول و مبانی ترجمه 10 سال 5 ماه ago #55024

Connotation of lexical items
Connotative meaning are often cultural conditioned. A word which has a positive connotation in one culture may actually have a negative connotation in another,as for example, the English word tribe. In some part of the World, ethnic groups react very positively to being called a tribe.In other parts of the World, this same word has negative connotations,and people do not want to be called members of a tribe.
Speaker-addressee relationship
The choice of lexical items may also depend upon who is talking to whom.The speaker-addressee relationship will often determine choices of vocabulary that result in sub-dialects of the language.Level of politeness are very important in the Japanese culture.and verbal constructions which vary depending on who is speaking, to whom one is speaking,and about whom one is speaking.
Communication situation
The matter of formal versus informal is often closely realated to the location where the speech is made.In writing, there will also be degrees of formality,and one would not write using the same kind of vocabulary when writing a letter to some government official as one would when writing to one,s friend.
Cultural meaning of words
The culture is often reflected in the figurative usage of words,for example, in America we use sheep in a figurative sense as (one who follows without thinking).However, the meaning is quite different since in Papua New Guinea pig signifies food and wealth, but among Jewish people,it has a connotation of unclean and is a nonfood items.
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