چهارشنبه, 16 خرداد 1403


موضوع: summery of the Bet

summery of the Bet 10 سال 5 ماه ago #54363

An old Banker is in his room remembering one party 15 years ago. At that time he was young and very well-off. At the party guests eventually started talking about death penalty and life imprisonment and which one of those was worse. Most of the guests (journalists and scientists) didn't approve death penalty but there was one young Lawyer who said that both death penalty and life imprisonment were inhuman and cruel because the State was not God and it could not take individuals life slower (through imprisonment) or faster (by executing him). So it could not take something that it could not give back. But the Banker said that death penalty was better because life imprisonment was just a slow death. so they had a bet that the Lawyer would stay in the banker's ap wing for 15 years without going out. He could have books, wine, cigars, music but he could not talk to anybody or go out. He was suppose to stay there for 15 years and if he did the banker would give him 2 millions (which at that time was just nothing for him because he was successful).
During the first year the Lawyer was bored and lonely, he player his piano all the time, and read some romantic novels
the second year. he just asked for classical books.
the fifth year he started playing the piano again and asked for wine, he didn't read, tried to write something but tore pieces of paper apart, he cried frequently
the second half of the sixth year. started learning languages, history, philosophy
after the year 10 he just read the Gospel, history of religion, and theology
A15 years passed. the Banker is in his room thinking that tomorrow he will have to let his prisoner go, and he will give his last money away (the banker lost almost everything). so he decides to AAhe sees a piece of paper on the table and reads:
"tomorrow at noon i will be free but i despise freedom, i despise this world and it's reaches, i despise health, and everything in this world. for 15 years I've been learning about the world and even though i wasn't in the world but i could experience everything through books.
your books gave me wisdom, and now i despise the world, wisdom, and books because everything is mortal, and everything in this world is just an illusion, and someday you all will be dead.
You are mad and you are going astray, you don't know where the truth is, you believe in lies and i don't want to understand you.
So i refuse my money."
So the Banker put the paper down, kissed the strange man and left. the next day the guard told him that he saw the prisoner leaving in the morning. The Banker went to the prison, took the paper, and put it into a safe
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