چهارشنبه, 16 خرداد 1403


موضوع: the theme of some stories

the theme of some stories 10 سال 5 ماه ago #54359

The theme of the Tell-tale heart:
It seems to be that the mad people believe that they are more sharp and intelligent in their sense than the others, but it is usually just the opposite.
It is usually difficult to hide a murder or any sort of crime because our conscience is going to tell the truth sooner or later, directly or indirectly.
The theme of The Bet:
It seems to be that if we have enough time to experience whatever related to mans experiences on the earth even through reading that will be enough for us to be away from all earthy matters formed and coined by human beings. We have been created to live the life fully to get perfection in humanity not the gambling between money and pleasure.
The theme of the War:
It seems to be that the parents should not be that much possessive about their children especially when they are lost at the war, but sometimes confronting such a truth is going to be a burden which can make the strongest men to cry.
The theme of the Misery:
It seems to be that in an industrial modern society the people are just busy with themselves and there is no place to listen to an old man who is the failure of a capitalist society in which money and key social positions talk first.
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