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موضوع: idioms about death & life 1

idioms about death & life 1 10 سال 5 ماه ago #54186

  • سحر براتي
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Dead in the water
r example Eventually they had to accept that the whole project was dead in the water.
Something that has failed and it seems impossible that it will be successful in the future:

Dead set against
For example:
"Her parents were dead set against her moving to London."
To be completely opposed to something
At death's door.
For example:
I was sad to read that Nelson Mandella was at death's door.
To be very close to death.
A brush with death.
For example:-
Sometimes a brush with death forces us to re-evaluate our priorities in life.
To narrowly miss dying.
Cheat death
For example:-
An eccentric British pilot cheated death after crash-landing in the shark-infested waters of the Caribbean.
To avoid a possibly fatal event or prolong your life in spite of considerable odds.
Death warmed up
For example:-
She was so pale she looked like death warmed up.
Used when someone looks very ill.
Death wish
For example:
He keeps taking risks. It's almost as if he has a death wish.
Desire for death.
A dead duck
For example:-
"The police admitted that they were giving up, the case was a dead duck."

A failure.
It's Your Funeral
For example:-
He's going out tonight, but if he doesn't meet the deadline he'll lose his job. I guess it's his funeral.
We say this when someone makes a decision that you don't agree with.

To get hitched
For example:-

Miquepani got hitched on Friday 13th.
To get married.
Honeymoon period.

For example:-
The new CEO is enjoying a honeymoon period. None of the shareholders critisized him.
A short period of time when starting something new, when no one criticizes you.
The honeymoon is over.
For example:-
The latest figures were very bad and the shareholders are calling for his resignation. I guess the honeymoon is over.
The time when after starting something new (a job etc.) people start to critisize you (see Honeymoon period).
A dogs life
For example:
I've got to go to work, then do the shopping, then pick the children up from school and cook their dinner - it's a dog's life!
Life is hard and unpleasant.
A fact of life
For example:
An unpleasant fact or situation which people accept because they cannot change it.
Stress is a fact of life.

Half dead
For example:
After doing all my chores I was half dead
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