جمعه, 07 ارديبهشت 1403


موضوع: کار کلاسی

کار کلاسی 10 سال 7 ماه ago #36145

name : marziyh vahidi
teacher : moshtaghi

1- I am a single yers ?
2- You are a good teacher
3- She is a dentisl
4- It is a pen
5- We are students
6- You are a narse
7- The are a parents

1- I watching t.v carefully in the room now
2- Wwe go to school everyday
3- She eats lunch in the restorant
4- Ali playe football in tha park every night

1- Ali is a chair
2- She is a woman it is an oldman
3- They are good
4- She is a young woman

1- You played football yesterday
Did you football yesterday ?
You did n,t played football yesterday

2- I walked to the park yesterday
Did you walk to the park yesterday?
Did n,t walk to the park yesterday

3- She worked at hom yesterday
did she work at hom yesterday?
she Didn,t work at hom yesterday

4- Ali spoke spanish yesterday
Did Ali/ he spoke spanish yesterday?
Ali didn,t spoke spanish yesterday
5- She like her sister
Did she like her sister ?
she Didn,t like her sister

6- Ali washed his car yesterday
Did reza/he washed his car yesterday ?
Reza didn,t washed his car yesterday

7- I went to the park yesterday
I didn,t go to the park yesterday
Did you go to the park yesterday?

8- Ali write a letter yesterday
Did ali / he write a letter yesterday ?
Ali didn,t write a letter yesterday

9- She washed the car yesterday
She didn,t wash the car yesterday
Did She wash the car yesterday?

مدير دسترسي عمومي براي نوشتن را غيرفعال كرده.
مدیران انجمن: پروین مشتاقی